Saturday, November 26, 2016

Story Preparation: What Will You be Doing?

Hey guys! I need to know a few things from each of you before I can continue planning out the storyline of the campaign! Please leave a comment answering the following questions! ( You do have some time, so if you need to do research please do so! If you want to keep anything secret from your allies make sure to leave a comment that has false information and email me with the true info!).

1. Leadership Feats: Which of you are planning on taking ANY of the various leadership feats?
2. Leadership Roles( Kingdom Building): I need to know which leadership roles your character is planning to fill IF you guys are able to earn the Colonization Charter from the SwordLords.

Thanks guys! Be sure to continue to look for more posts!


  1. Doctor House will be taking on "Spymaster"
    Will look into leadership feats and get back to you.

  2. Recruits. I would like my first two to be my abjuration wizard (protective magic) and conjurer. They will be 1st level, so they will only be staying at Oleg's to provide magical support and help out where needed.

    I plan to fill the Magister position, and can use my recruits in any roles with Intelligence as the main ability...maybe Charisma too.

  3. Uldon plans on taking the king/conquerer/Cheiftan/Destroyer of weak little men role.
    Leadership feat will be taken.
